Als lizenziertes Telc Center bieten wir Ihnen folgende Sprachprüfungen an:
Sie sollten schnell sein, da die Termine an unseren Standorten sehr schnell ausgebucht sind.
As a licensed Telc Center, we offer the following language exams:
Telc German Exam
Telc Deutsch A1
Telc Deutsch A2
Telc Deutsch B1
Telc Deutsch B2
Telc Deutsch C1
It's advisable to act promptly, as the appointments at our locations tend to fill up rapidly.
As a licensed Telc Center, we offer the following language exams:
Telc German Exam
Telc Deutsch A1
Telc Deutsch A2
Telc Deutsch B1
Telc Deutsch B2
Telc Deutsch C1
It's advisable to act promptly, as the appointments at our locations tend to fill up rapidly.
As a licensed Telc Center, we offer the following language exams:
Telc German Exam
Telc Deutsch A1
Telc Deutsch A2
Telc Deutsch B1
Telc Deutsch B2
Telc Deutsch C1
It's advisable to act promptly, as the appointments at our locations tend to fill up rapidly.
As a licensed Telc Center, we offer the following language exams:
Telc German Exam
Telc Deutsch A1
Telc Deutsch A2
Telc Deutsch B1
Telc Deutsch B2
Telc Deutsch C1
It's advisable to act promptly, as the appointments at our locations tend to fill up rapidly.
En tant que centre Telc agréé, nous proposons les examens de langue suivants :
Examen d’allemand Telc
Il est conseillé d’agir rapidement, car les rendez-vous dans nos locaux ont tendance à se remplir rapidement
Votre contact au Casablanca :
Sanae Rached, phone: 0771746406
En tant que centre Telc agréé, nous proposons les examens de langue suivants :
Examen d’allemand Telc
Il est conseillé d’agir rapidement, car les rendez-vous dans nos locaux ont tendance à se remplir rapidement.
Votre contact au Marakech :
M. Abderrahman : 06 63 23 00 72
En tant que centre Telc agréé, nous proposons les examens de langue suivants :
Examen d’allemand Telc
Il est conseillé d’agir rapidement, car les rendez-vous dans nos locaux ont tendance à se remplir rapidement.
As a licensed Telc Center, we offer the following language exams:
Telc German Exam
Telc Deutsch A1
Telc Deutsch A2
Telc Deutsch B1
Telc Deutsch B2
Telc Deutsch C1
It's advisable to act promptly, as the appointments at our locations tend to fill up rapidly.
Kontakt in Tirana: Amarda Dervishi
phone: +355 695612363
As a licensed Telc Center, we offer the following language exams:
Telc German Exam
Telc Deutsch A1
Telc Deutsch A2
Telc Deutsch B1
Telc Deutsch B2
Telc Deutsch C1
It's advisable to act promptly, as the appointments at our locations tend to fill up rapidly.
Kontakt in Alexandria: Ammar Elshengab
phone: +20 1098172786
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